Dendrobium berry oda

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Dendrobium Berry Ode mindent erről a csodálatos orchideáról. részvény Csipog A Dendrobium Berry Oda egy lenyűgöző orchideafajta, amelyet a természet adott nekünk. Lenyűgöző virágaival és egyedi tulajdonságaival ez az orchidea népszerű választás lett a növénybarátok körében.. Dendrobium Berry Oda, leírás, termesztés és gondozás - A Berry Oda a Kings Dendrobium hibrid faja, amelyet a Mini Pearl Dendrobium keresztez. Ez utóbbi viszont a Canaliculatum és a Bigibbum természetes fajokból származik. Gyökerek helyett a növénynek álgumója van.. Dendrobium „Berry Oda" - Orchideen Pflege. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Dendrobium „Berry Oda", eine Hybride aus Dendrobium kingianum und D. „Mini Pearl", richtig pflegen. Lesen Sie, wie Sie die Blüten, die Pseudobulben und die Pflanze anpasst, gießen, düngen, teilen und vermehren.. Vesszőkosbor Berry Oda, 9-szárú, 50cm - Horteka. A Vesszőkosbor Berry Oda (Dendrobium) Ausztráliából származik. Feltűnőek nagyszámú, gyönyörű, lila virágai. A növény egyes hajtásai 3-5 gallyat hoznak létre. A Vesszőkosbor valódi virágzási ideje szeptember és október, de ez a növény június és július kivételével lényegében egész évben hozhat új hajtásokat.. Dendrobium Berry Oda - Cameleon. Dendrobium Berry Oda Care tips. The best spot. A light spot, but no direct sunlight. Temperature. Dip 10 minutes in lukewarm water every week. Let it leak out afterwards. New blooms. When the flowers have finished, cut the stalk completely away. You can put the Dendrobium Berry Oda outside.. Dendrobium Berry Oda - Virágzó növények. Virágzó növények Dendrobium Berry Oda 10.900 Ft (8.583 Ft + ÁFA) NEM KAPHATÓ! Kifutás dátuma: 2023-08-17 Jelölje be azokat a kiegészítő termékeket, amiket még a kosárba szeretne tenni! VITAFLÓRA Orchidea 0,5 literes 1.190 Ft A dendrobium orchideák nagyon változatos, sok színű, méretű és formájú változatai léteznek.. Dendrobium Berry Oda Orchid: A Stunning Addition To Your Orchid .. Dendrobium berry oda orchid, also known as the King of Dendrobiums, is a mesmerizing and vibrant orchid variety that captivates plant enthusiasts with its striking blooms. With its unique combination of colors and delightful fragrance, this orchid is a true showstopper in any garden or indoor setting.. Dendrobium Berry Oda - Pumpkin Beth. Dendrobium Berry Oda is a hybrid Dendrobium orchid, that was created by crossing Dendrobium kingianum with Dendrobium Mini Pearl (Dendrobium Mini Pearl was created by crossing Dendrobium canaliculatum with Dendrobium bigibbum). This new orchid is very popular with indoor gardeners.. Dendrobium Berry Ode everything about this wonderful orchid. 1 Characteristics of Dendrobium Berry Ode; 2 Care of Dendrobium Berry Oda. 2.1 soil requirements; 2.2 Irrigation; 2.3 Pruning; 3 Flowering; 4 Planting young orchids; 5 Pest control in dendrobium Berry Oda; 6 Types of Dendrobium Berry Ode; See all sections. Dendrobium Berry Oda - a plant profile by Louise Sims for The3Growbags. View Archive →. Grow-How Tips for Early February → Trees to try for winter cheer. Berry Oda is a real beauty of an orchid. Its very undemanding, spending the whole year on our bedroom windowsill (west facing), and sitting between the curtain and the window it gets very cold in the winter.. How to care for Dendrobium Berry Oda orchid - YouTube. The Dendrobium Berry Oda is a cross between Den kingianum and Den. biggibum. It is not as fussy as the Kingianum and needs just a slight cool down during win.. Orchidea Kiállítás szervezője | Magyar Orchidea Társaság. A kereskedelemben könnyen beszerezhető fajták és hibridjeik: a Dendrobium kingianum és hibridje a D. ,, Berry Oda", D. phalaenopsis és a D

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. nobile rengeteg hibridje, változatos színekben. A kereskedelmi növények jól tarthatóak lakásban is, ha ismerjük ígényeiket, könnyedén tudunk megfelelő helyet biztosítani számukra.. Dendrobium Berry gx &Oda& | /RHS Gardening. Dendrobium are epiphytic and terrestrial orchids with elongated, stem-like pseudobulbs bearing linear to ovate leaves. Racemes or panicles of showy flowers are produced from nodes along the stems mainly in spring. Name status. Unresolved. Advertise here. Find help & information on Dendrobium Berry gx Oda from the RHS.. Dendrobium Berry Oda - GardenTags. They come to life again in the spring when there is a rapid growth of new roots. They are popular orchids and over the years, many hybrids have become available. Berry Oda is a cross between Dendrobium Kingianum and Dendrobium Bigibbum, and bears small magenta flowers with a slight honey fragrance.. Dendrobium Berry - OrchidRoots. Dendrobium Berry Dendrobium Berry, M.Oda 1983 ( RHS) Dendrobium kingianum × Dendrobium. Mini Pearl. Summary; Photos; Compare; lineage Progeny list Progeny images Ancestry list Ancestry tree. Subfamily: Epidendroideae Tribe: Dendrobieae Subtribe: Dendrobiinae Genus: .. Dendrobium kingianum Vs. Berry Oda - The importance of correct Orchid .. 11K views 5 years ago. Today we take a look at my very old Dendrobium kingianum finally in bloom, in comparison to one of his hybrids, the Berry Oda. More info below! Show more.. Dendrobium Berry Oda - Cameleon. De naam Dendrobium staat voor boom (dendron) en leven (bios). Het is een verwijzing naar de manier waarop de planten groeien: op de stammen van bomen. De Berry Oda komt oorspronkelijk uit Australië. Wat opvalt aan deze soort Dendrobium zijn de prachtige paarse bloemen, de heerlijk lichte geur die zij verspreidt en het grote aantal takken.. Removing & Potting Dendrobium Orchid Keikis | Dendrobium Berry Oda .. Today we are taking off some keikis from my Dendrobium Berry Oda, which is a sweet smelling, free flowering kingianum hybrid. Very easy to care for, it also produced 2 keikis for me after .. Orchid Dendrobium Berry Oda | Indoor House Plant | Free UK Delivery. GardenersDream Orchid Dendrobium Berry Oda Supplied in 12cm Pot £19.99 RRP £25.49 Loading. Long lasting purple-pink flowers and a light fruity scent make this orchid hybrid a beautiful houseplant to any room

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. Buy now - free UK delivery!. Orchidée dendrobium : comment lentretenir ? | Truffaut. Orchidée dendrobium "Berry Oda". La période de floraison de lorchidée "Berry Oda" a lieu toute lannée. Maintenez un milieu humide en vaporisant tous les jours pendant la croissance. Vous pourrez rempoter votre orchidée entre avril et juin.. Dendrobium Berry Oda - 1 Pflanze - BALDUR-Garten. Dendrobium Berry Oda kommt ursprünglich aus Australien. Dort nennt man diese Orchidee auch "Bamboo orchid" (Bambusorchidee), weil sie viele Verzweigungen hat. Was an dieser Art von Dendrobium auffällt, sind die vielen kleinen lila Blüten, der wunderbar leichte Duft, den diese. mehr Art.-Nr.: 7727 Liefergröße: 12 cm Topf, ca. 30 cm hoch. Berry Oda, Dendrobium - Orchidee in casa. Berry Oda, Dendrobium. Un breve articolo, volto prevalentemente per farvi conoscere un altro Dendrobium, nato dallincrocio tra Dendrobium Mini Pearl, (a sua volta ibrido) tipica da serra calda, e Dendrobium Kingianum, di cui ha gia parlato Gioacchino. Da questo incrocio deriva il Berry Oda, che trova la sua condizione ideale a temperature .. Dendrobium Berry Oda, un doux parfum - Vivaces. Découvrez le dendrobium Berry Oda, une orchidée compacte et vigoureuse qui offre une floraison abondante et une odeur relaxante de miel et de lila. Apprenez comment le placer, le tailler et le réguler pour une nouvelle floraison.. Dendrobium: orchidej z pralesa můžeme snadno pěstovat i doma. Dendrobium je do češtiny překládáno jako stromobytec. Jedná se o epifytické orchideje rostoucí na větvích pralesních stromů, kde svými vzdušnými kořen zachytávají jemný déšť a vzdušnou vlhkost. Nejznámější, a u nás nejčastěji pěstovaným zástupcem rodu epifytických orchidejí Dendrobium je Dendrobium phalaenopsis.. LAURENCE HOBBS ORCHIDS - Laurance Hobbs Orchids. Dendrobium Berry Oda cool growing,small pink scented species FS 4.5" 20.00 Dendrobium Casiope white with dark centre to lip 3" 7.50 FS 5.5" 30.00 Dendrobium nobile beautiful white/pink species with dark disc on lip FS 6"Basket 40.00 Dendrobium Spring Dream white scented nobile hybrid FS 4.5" 20.00. 14 Orchid Flower Colors: How Many Colors Do Orchids Come In. Orchids come in many colors. There are over 30,000 different types of orchids and they come in a vast array of colors. While the most common colors are white, pink, and purple, orchids can also be found in shades of green, yellow, orange, and red. Some rare orchids even boast shades of blue and black. The color of an orchid can be affected by .. Advice for a Dendrobium with no roots? : r/orchids - Reddit. Luckily, Den

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. Berry Oda has Den. kingianum as a parent which is tough as nails. Cut the flower spike off and keep it on the moss but let it get a bit dry in between waterings. It will make new roots from the bottom. Berry Oda is 50% kingianum, and 25% caniculatum (antelope type) and 25% biggibum (phal type) so I wouldnt keep it as moist as a .. Dendrobium Berry gx|rock orchid Berry gx/RHS Gardening. rock orchid Berry gx. A terrestrial orchid, more compact than its parents D. kingianum and D. Mini Pearl. It grows to 38cm tall, with leathery leaves and sprays to 30cm long of up to 10 long-lasting, dark pinkish-mauve flowers 2cm across, on upright stems from the pseudobulb tips in spring. Join the RHS today and save 25%.. Dendrobium Berry Oda help: roots, shoots, repotting. My orchid is a dendrobium Berry Oda and Ive had her for around six months now, shes dropped her flowers once (Im told this is normal after bringing them home) and now has one flower spike that started blooming last week My biggest concern is the aerial roots, which look brown and a little shrivelled. Internet searching would suggest she is .. Dendrobium - Toh Garden: Singapore Orchid Plant & Flower Grower. Dendrobium - Basics. Sunlight : 50 ~ 75% daily. In orchid farms, nets are cast above the plants to create a semi-shaded environment (lath houses). This creates an environmental condition of 50 ~ 70% sunlight, which is conducive for growth and flowering and prevents leaves and flowers from sunburns. Unfortunately, such measures are not .. Orchidée Dendrobium - Jardiland. Orchidée Dendrobium : Plantes & fleurs pour votre intérieur ou extérieur avec Jardiland - Rendez-vous en magasin.. Orchideje Dendrobium: jak je pěstovat? -

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. Na takovémto chladném místě rostliny uložte minimálně na měsíc a v březnu je začněte probouzet. Orchideje rodu Dendrobium nesnášejí přemokření, pěstební substrát nechte po zalití výrazně proschnout. Potom teprve můžete znovu zalévat. Od jara do podzimu zalévejte více, v období vegetačního klidu zalévejte jen .. TOUT SAVOIR SUR DEUX DENDROBIUM TRÈS FACILES (botanique . - YouTube. Vous accueillant une nouvelle fois dans lambiance magnifiquement fleurie de sa serre dexposition à Boissy-Saint-Léger (Val-de-Marne), la « Petite princesse.. Dendrobium. Origen, Descripción, Variedades, Cultivo, Cuidados Y Usos. 1. Origen del Dendrobium. Es originario del sudeste asiático. 2. Descripción. Las orquídeas Dendrobium son principalmente epifitas, y crecen en la naturaleza en las ramas y troncos de los árboles. Son sympodial, produciendo nuevos tallos (pseudobulbos) en la base de los tallos del año anterior.. Nicks Orchids - Nicks Garage. 001 Dendrobium Berry Oda Top: 002 Dendrobium [(speciosum-gracilicaule)-(Specio-kingianum)] Top: 003 Cattleya maxima. Top: 004 Brassolaelia Yellow Bird (Bl Richard Mueller x B nodosa) Top: 005 Cattleya skinneri (example shown) Top: 006 Brassavola cucullata. Top: 007 Brassavola perrinii. Top:. More orchids - Cameleon. The Dendrobium Berry Oda is also known as the Bamboo orchid, because it has many branches. The name Dendrobium stands for tree (dendron) and life (bios). It is a reference to the way the plants grow: on the trunks of trees. The Berry Oda is originally from Australia. What is striking about this type of Dendrobium are the beautiful purple .

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. Orchidée Dendrobium Berry Oda - Jardiland. Description. Le Dendrobium est une orchidée présentant une élégante floraison, qui magnifiera et éclairera votre intérieur de ses délicates couleurs. Dendrobium Berry Oda : cette orchidée est une plante épiphytes présentant des pseudo-bulbes filiformes, qui portent des feuilles linéaires à ovales.. Nicks Orchids - Nicks Garage. Nicks Orchids. Current Plants [ Picasa] [ Phone] [ A to Z] 001 Dendrobium Berry Oda. 002 Dendrobium [ (speciosum-gracilicaule)- (Specio-kingianum)] 003 Cattleya maxima. 004 Brassolaelia Yellow Bird (Bl Richard Mueller x B nodosa) 005 Cattleya skinneri (example shown) 006 Brassavola cucullata. 007 Brassavola perrinii.. Repotting and dividing Dendrobium Berry Oda - YouTube. My Dendrobium Berry Oda was in need of repotting, and it had also grown a bit large, so I decided to divide it. In this video I also show how easy it is to r.. Do Orchids Need Sunlight | How to Grow Orchids Without Sun. High Light Orchids: Vanda and Dendrobium can handle up to 3,000 foot-candles. How to Use Grow Lights

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. Placement: Position the lights 6 to 12 inches above the orchids. Dendrobium Berry Oda: The Berry Oda Dendrobium orchid boasts vibrant purple-pink flowers and is surprisingly easy to grow without direct sunlight. Its slender .. Top 5 orchids to accent living walls: and 2 non-orchid alternatives. Orchids are a stunning option for adding a pop of color to a living wall. Some of the best orchids for a living wall are: Oncidium (Dancing Lady), Dendrobium Berry Oda, Phalaenopsis (Moth orchids), Psychopsis (Butterfly orchid) and Cattleya orchids. Orchids require conditions that can be difficult to achieve in a living wall alongside varied .. Quand et Comment séparer un Keiki de vos orchidées. Je vous explique Quand et Comment séparer un keiki de vos orchidées.La création de keiki, qui nest autre quun clone du plant mère, est un mode de propagati.. Lorchidée Dendrobium Sa-Nook & Berry Oda - YouTube. Comment cultiver lorchidée Dendrobium Sa-Nook et Berry Oda??? Chaleur, lumière, Arrosage, Rempotage, Fertilisation.. Dendrobium kingianum "Berry Oda" (Evolución: un montón de keikis). Hay muchos híbridos comerciales del Dendrobium kingianum estupendos, pero os recomiendo el "Berry Oda" (Dendrobium kingianum x Dendrobium Mini Pearl) . Fácil cuidado, insensible a plagas y descuidos de cultivo, floración abundante asegurada y además un delicioso aroma a miel.. How Do You Care Dendrobium Trinervium? - Study Nature. Dendrobium Berry Oda is a Dendrobium orchid hybrid developed by crossing Dendrobium kingianum with Dendrobium Mini Pearl (Dendrobium Mini Pearl was developed by crossing Dendrobium canaliculatum with Dendrobium bigibbum). Indoor gardeners are raving about this new orchid


The stems of Dendrobium Berry Oda mimic bamboo canes.. Dendrobium Berry Oda | Chicago Botanic Garden. 10 - 13. Dendrobium Orchid (Dendrobium Berry Oda): This orchid needs full sun and moist soil conditions. If taken outdoors for the summer, it may need shade from direct sunlight. From midwinter to early spring it produces purple blooms. It is not frost hardy (hardy to 50 degrees F).. ⋆ Pravidla pro pěstování orchidejí Dendrobium - ⋆ Farmer ⋆ zemědělské .. Pěstovat dendrobium doma za zvláštních podmínek a požadavků je snadné. Teplota. Dendrobium je teplomilné, v zimě je teplota 15-20 °C přes den, 6-12 °C v noci. C. V létě je pro orchidej Dendrobium teplota během dne 18-25 ° C, v noci - 14 20 ° C


Teplota během vegetačního klidu v zimě v noci je 15-18 °C, odpoledne 20-25 °C.. Ορχιδέα Dendrobium. Oδηγός Χειμερινής Φροντίδας. Nobile, Berry Oda .. Ορχιδέα Dendrobium. Oδηγός Χειμερινής Φροντίδας. Nobile, Berry Oda, Kingianum, BigibbumΓια το Biggibbum δείτε εδώ:👉 .. Dendrobium Orchids for sale | Shop with Afterpay | eBay AU. Orchid Species Flask Dendrobium trichostomum. AU $30.00. 1 bid. AU $14.00 postage. 4d 13h.. Care tips - Cameleon. The Dendrobium Berry Oda is also known as the Bamboo orchid, because it has many branches. The name Dendrobium stands for tree (dendron) and life (bios). It is a reference to the way the plants grow: on the trunks of trees. The Berry Oda is originally from Australia. What is striking about this type of Dendrobium are the beautiful purple .. Dendrobium "Berry Oda" - Dendrobium "Berry Oda" Common name(s): N/A Synonyme(s): N/A Family: Orchidaceae Origin: none, cultivar. Dendrobium orchids are native to tropical and subtropical Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific. More infos: crossing between D

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. kingianum × D. "Mini Pearl" (D.. Phalaenopsis Multiflora - Cameleon. The Dendrobium Berry Oda is also known as the Bamboo orchid, because it has many branches. The name Dendrobium stands for tree (dendron) and life (bios). It is a reference to the way the plants grow: on the trunks of trees. The Berry Oda is originally from Australia. What is striking about this type of Dendrobium are the beautiful purple .. Dendrobium Orchids to Grow | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Dendrobiums reproduce by forming baby plantlets, called keikis

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. Dendrobiums make excellent houseplants. Most, such as Dendrobium nobile and D. speciosum, require cooler growing conditions and a less humid environment than the popular moth orchid, Phalaenopsis - 16°C-18°C is ideal. Grow in a bright spot and shield from direct sunlight.. Dendrobium Berry Oda, popis, kultivace a péče - Když dendrobium vytvoří nové výhonky, hnojiva se zastaví. Berry Oda reprodukuje děti, které se objevují na výhoncích. Když získají své vlastní kořeny, mohou být odděleny. Můžete také propagovat orchidej rozdělením keře během transplantace. Transplantaci dendrobia je však často nemožné - nelíbí se mu to.. Keiki Orchidee vermehren und umtopfen. Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium. Orchidee Umtopfen in Orchideen Kokoserde. Dendrobium Berry Oda. Die Keiki Paste im Test. Wie vermehrt man die Phalaenopsis Orchidee? Das Deckblatt der Knospe.. Orchid identification - Dendrobium "Berry Oda" Dendrobium "Emma Anna" Dendrobium hybrids. Dendrobium nobile hybrid. Dendrobium phalaenopsis cv. Dendrochilum convallariiforme. Dossinia marmorata. Epidendrum centropetalum


Goodyera repens. Grandiphyllum hians. Himantoglossum hircinum.. Plant identification red and pink flowers - Dendrobium "Berry Oda" Dendrobium hybrids. Dendrobium phalaenopsis cv. Dianthus barbatus. Dianthus carthusianorum

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. Dianthus caryophyllus. Diascia sp. Digitalis purpurea. Dracaena (Sansevieria) francisii. Drosera capensis cv.. How to care for Dendrobium Berry Oda Orchid so that it grows, blooms .. Dendrobium Berry Oda. Its flowers, the color of which varies from white with a slightly pink tint to rich raspberry. It begins to bloom at the end of the winter months, and ceases only in June. It is very undemanding in everyday life and cultivation, easily adapts to the surrounding environment.This orchid normally refers to high temperatures .. Dendrobium - Orchids Garden. Dendrobium Berry Oda (de Monsieur Oda) [D. kingianum x D. Mini Pearl (canaliculatum x bigibbum)]. Nombreuses fleurs parfumées, 2 floraisons par ans. Fiche de culture ci dessous.. Dendrobium Berry Ode všetko o tejto nádhernej orchidei. Dendrobium Berry Oda Emma White: Táto odroda produkuje veľmi pekné, svieže, biele kvety. Je to druh, ktorý rastie bez problémov a je veľmi nenáročný na pestovanie. Preto sú pre začiatočníkov známe ako orchidey. Dobre ich zalejte, mierne rozložené a odmení sa vám krásnymi kvetmi.. Lets pot some keikis up - Berry Oda Keikis potting in Semi Hydroponic. Lets pot some keikis into semi hydroponics. My Dendrobium Berry Oda likes to make keikis after blooming. Sofar I have had 12 on it. We gonna pot up 8 keikis .. 160+ Odontoglossum Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock. pink Orchid Dendrobium Berry Oda pink Orchid Dendrobium Berry Oda on white isolated background. odontoglossum stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. pink Orchid Dendrobium Berry Oda. pink Orchid Dendrobium Berry Oda on white isolated background. Orchid - Oncidinae Two lovely cascades of orchids. I believe this is an intergeneric .. Can I Grow Dichondra Silver Falls Indoors? - Study Nature. Dendrobium Berry Oda is a Dendrobium orchid hybrid developed by crossing Dendrobium kingianum with Dendrobium Mini Pearl (Dendrobium Mini Pearl was developed by crossing Dendrobium canaliculatum with Dendrobium bigibbum). Indoor gardeners are raving about this new orchid. The stems of Dendrobium Berry Oda mimic bamboo canes.. Hoito-ohjeita | Suomen Orkideayhdistys ry. Dendrobium Berry Oda. Dendrobium bigibbum. Dendrobium Cassiope. Dendrobium ceraula. Dendrobium christyanum. Dendrobium chrysotoxum. Dendrobium delacourii. Dendrobium farmeri. Dendrobium glomeratum. Dendrobium gracilicaule. Dendrobium hercoglossum. Dendrobium lindleyi. Dendrobium moniliforme. Dendrobium nobile - jalopuikkokämmekkä .. Cymbidium - Cameleon. The Dendrobium Berry Oda is also known as the Bamboo orchid, because it has many branches. The name Dendrobium stands for tree (dendron) and life (bios). It is a reference to the way the plants grow: on the trunks of trees. The Berry Oda is originally from Australia. What is striking about this type of Dendrobium are the beautiful purple .

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. Dendrobium growing keikis like mad, and Nobile - Orchid Board. Berry Oda is a Dendrobium kingianum hybrid, and from what I know the amount of keikis produced by kingianum and its hybrids varies a lot. Also, right now it should be in full growth (keikis and new canes) until at least late summer. Around late october it needs to start its dry, cool and bright winter rest. .. The International Orchid Register / RHS Gardening. If you have a further inquiry about the names of orchid hybrids and/or their parents, it should be made to the International Orchid Registrar, at the following address: 83 Victoria Road, Selston, Nottinghamshire, NG16 6AR, UK. Tel. 0044 1773 511814. fax. 0044 115 876 7963. Email: [email protected].. Orchid Hybrid: Dendrobium Berry. Dendrobium Berry is an orchid hybrid originated by M.Oda in 1983. It is a cross of Den. kingianum x Den. Mini Pearl..